椅子時常是表現現實最自然不過的意義品,法官的椅子永遠不會是板凳,老闆的椅子永遠比員工大,高級餐廳的椅子不會是三腳貓的椅子。椅子被賦予的社會意義與設計師賦予椅子的意義就從LAS SILLAS開始不同。從堆疊的過程中,我們的直覺,記憶,情感都會刺激。這是椅子,但不從被這樣陳列過,透過大膽的平衡,克服既定的自我意識。或許這之間的衝突感是為什麼吸引人的原因,但請不要旺季,透過『玩』來得到的成就感才是LAS SILLAS被創造的真正意義。
The chair is an object that transcends its own usefulness. It´s not strictly another piece of furniture. A chair, to truly be a chair, must have established an affective bond with the person using it. Chairs come in many forms and everybody can remember certain ones among them, but the representation of the chair, the mythical chair, can only be shown by that which is most essential: its architecture. We have therefore chosen this one – schematic and unadorned, almost skeletal – to represent them all in this game of chairs.
These are chairs that can be piled up, stacked, left scattered on the floor or grouped into random shapes of difficult equilibrium. But whatever we do with them, this game lets us play with the most primitive rules, those of a child trying to challenge himself and to dare balance itself by stacking objects using the freest of artistic expression.
In playing with the chairs we let ourselves be carried away by the need to experiment, which gives rise to unsettling sensations, hard-to-express emotions and unbeckoned feeling that can appear unexpectedly.
During the game we are acted upon by stimuli, intuitions, feelings, memories, discoveries that pull us away from our predictable routines and behavior. More than engaging in sophisticated intellectual activity, the aim is to play and see just how the construction we are making can surprise us by its beauty, its audacious balance, the strangeness of its forms, etc. After a time some questions about poetic language will undoubtedly arise, and while no one may be able to answer these questions, we will continue to play in an increasingly curious and enjoyable way.
Author: Javier Bermejo